Uganda 2019
In 2019 Path of Logic worked with two computer software consultants to build a free computer program that could accession the cases, track them, generate a pathology report, and give a report of turn-around-time. In addition, we also hope that this will eventually result in increased funding for pathology services in Uganda. Right now, the money allocated from the Ugandan Ministry of Health is allocated to medical issues such as HIV, malaria, and cancer treatment – but none for diagnostics. The Department of Education allows some funds for Pathology, but only about 30% of what is needed. Part of the reason why is that until now, there has been no way to quantify the number of cancer cases. With our program, we will be able to generate that data to show real numbers when lobbying for increased funds.
Hands-on dissection instruction is important when learning anatomic pathology protocols and gaining an understanding of the tissue sections needed to provide a complete diagnosis. In 2019, most of the focus was with the two first-year residents covering the basics of tissue dissections with routine surgical specimens.
In 2018, Path of Logic tackled fixation issues, and focused on teaching and providing tools to ensure proper fixation protocols and ratios were followed. Currently, the formalin in those containers is discarded in the sink at the medical school.
Formalin is a known human carcinogen, and proper waste management is crucial to protecting water. Path of Logic introduced a formalin recycler to the laboratory to increase the life of formalin used for tissue processing, while also reducing the amount of chemical improperly disposed of.
For the second year, Path of Logic provided living expense stipends to the four residents. In a country where pathology residents are unpaid, many have second jobs on the weekends to support their families. The stipends lessen the financial burden to allow focus to their roles at MUST.
Dr. Mitala, Dr. Raymond, Dr. Sharif, and Dr. Tobias
Community Project
For the second time, Path of Logic teamed up with Mpowerd to distribute hundreds of solar lights to primary schools without electricity. To learn more about Mpowerd click here.